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What are Medical Expense Accounts?

April 24, 2017 | Tina Pelland

Do you know the difference between FSAs, HSAs, MSAs, and HRAs? With a myriad of health plan types to pick from, questions of cost go beyond just premiums. Luckily, there are a number of funding strategies that help individuals financially plan ahead for the bumps along the way.

a clipboard with a check list demonstrating funding strategies for different medical expense accounts

Having a good funding strategy for medical expense account payments is crucial to both you and your employees

When considering High Deductible Healthcare Plans, employers need to think about how to help employees pay for deductibles and other out-of-pocket expenses. In our SmartSheet on this topic, we touch on four major funding strategies designed to accompany HDHPs. These strategies assist in covering out-of-pocket expenses for individuals and families. Each strategy has its own advantages and complexities, with various rules and management in set-up, facilitation, and reporting.

Learn about these strategies on our What are Medical Expense Accounts page in the Educational Resources section of our website.